This is my custom made Lets Play intro featuring some games from my favorite company SEGA! I'll be using this for all of my Lets Play videos on this channel, including those of games not made by SEGA, to show my loyalty to SEGA. The games are in order: Sonic Adventure 2 - NiGHTS into Dreams - Jet Set Radio - Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future - Phantasy Star Universe - Ristar - Billy Hatcher, the last part of the video is a picture of my artistic persona Alex Magnei who represents me in my drawings. In future videos, I will instead show pictures I've drawn of him as part of whatever game I am playing as well as what I will be doing in the video. The music used in the video is my own composition which I named Turquoise Shores, which was remixed by the band Freeningreen.