Here Are The 21 Bible Traits Describing The Antichrist. Can You Tell Me Who He Is.? He Is Here NOW!

2014-01-18 892

1. More Arrogant, and self centered than the others before him (what the Bible means by stout, larger) Dan 7:20

2. Stern or fierce faced. Dan 8:23

3. Generally different or unique amongst politicians. Dan 7:24

4. A great unifier who effectively appeals to people across traditional lines of division; will be revered by all (except saints). (Most of the world loves him now, when the Holy Spirit Leaves, and satan possesses man, almost ALL will worship Him) Rev 13:3

5. Seeks total political control for own glory, not democratic republic or anything really for the people. 2 Th 2:4

6. Icon of earthly success. (People fail to realize when you PURPOSELY FAIL, that's the ULTIMATE in SUCCESS. Dan 8:24

7. Politically rises from sub-national leadership position, like a governor. Dan 7:8,11; 8:9

8. Will be shrewd, cunning, deceitful, skilled in intrigue. Daniel 8:25

9. Empowered through others. Dan 8:24

10. Stubborn, relentless, mega-ambitious visionary with far reaching goals.

11. Vicious, violent, cruel, lacks regard for life. Daniel 8:25

12. Extraordinarily proud and boastful. Daniel 7:8, 11, 20, 8:25

13. Disdain for women. (GAY and or effiminate) Dan 11:37

14. Inwardly a godless megalomaniac. Daniel 7:21, 25, 8:10-11, 25

15. Mega-liar who actively opposes truth. Daniel 8:11, 23, 25

16. Morally bankrupt hedonist.

17. Foreshadowed by historical types including King Saul, Nebuchadnezzar, Caesar, Hitler.

18. Professing Christian, empowered by False Prophet, Christian support. 2 Cor 11:3-15

19) Most Bible scholars speculate that he will come from a confederacy of ten nations and/or a reborn Roman empire (Daniel 7:24-25; Revelation 17:7). Others see him as having to be a Jew in order to claim to be the Messiah, or an Arab.

20) The Antichrist shall change times and laws (Daniel 7:25)

21. Name numerically tallies to 666. Rev 13:17-18

Do these things after praying the Salvation Prayer:

1) Get a King James Version Bible and read it daily, it will feed your spirit and soul, the way you feed your body with food and water.

2) Pray to Jesus Everyday. He is your NEW Best Friend and He Wants to Talk with you daily.

3) Make sure you find a christian church and get water Baptized, dunked under water, if you have been sprinkle baptized in the past it does NOT count.

4) Pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit, "Sanctified". You do this by praying, reading the Bible and living for Jesus.

5) take your King James Bible to church. When the preacher speaks, make sure what he says matches your Bible, it not, get up and walk out and find a new church.

6) ***VERY IMPORTANT*** Make SURE you REPENT of EVERY SIN you do now, ask Jesus to forgive you with an honest heart and He will.