Brain Cancer Young Woman’s Last Tweets Compilation

2014-01-17 7

Shannon McKarney never even met Amanda, aka @TrappedAtMyDesk, but she was inspired to share her Twitter story.

Amanda was like any Twitter user at first, posting tweets about life, work, and family.

But her tweets turn melancholic after she learned she had Glioblastoma Multiforme, a vicious form of brain cancer.

She quickly began to look for the meaning of life.

She traveled to South America. She called her mom who she hadn’t spoken to in years.

“Don’t spend time being angry at people. Forgive them. Life is entirely too short,” she tweeted five days before leaving our world.

What does Shannon want you to take from this touching heart-breaker?

“My challenge to you for 2014: Look at what you’ve left behind. What is your legacy?”