As royal banners are unfurled - Chris Lawton at Eccles Congregational Church, Manchester

2014-01-16 96

Me playing the organ at the Congregational Church in Eccles, Salford.

The present church was opened on 11th July 1969. The organ was installed by Rushworth and Dreaper of Liverpool but was actually built by the famous John Compton Organ Company Ltd and is their rare 'Augmentum' model and would have been one of the completed instruments acquired by Rushworth and Dreaper when they acquired the pipe division of Compton in 1964. Compton enthusiasts will recognise the console is the same as those used by the company for their 357 and 363 'electrone' models. The specification reads:

Open Diapason 16'
Sub Bass 16'
Octave 8'
Bass Flute 8'
Choral Flute 4'
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Swell Octave to Pedal

Open Diapason 8'
Rohr Flute 8'
Principal 4'
Fifteenth 2'
Clarinet 8'
Swell to Great

Viola 8'
Hohl Flute 8'
Vox Angelica 8'
Gemshorn 4'
Cornet Mixture III
Trumpet 8'
Sub Octave

3 thumb pistons to Great and Pedal
3 thumb pistons to Swell

For this first video im playing the hymn 'As royal banners are unfurled' to the tune "Solemnis Haec Festivitas' from the hymn book 'Rejoice and Sing'.

Many thanks to the church officials for allowing me access to this fine instrument.

For more information on the John Compton Organ Company Ltd and to see me play other Compton organs, please click on the following link for my site dedicated to the John Compton Organ Company Ltd:

REQUEST: I am always on the lookout for Compton organs to play - particularly electrones - so if you know of any churches which still have these then please do let me know. I will happily give a donation or pay any applicable room hire charge.