I'M PARTNERED! + New Design! (Thank you vlog)

2014-01-15 0

Thanks for all of the support you guys have given me over the past year, it's corny but it's true: I could never have done it without you "Less-Than-Three" (expand for sexy links)

Check out the network: https://www.youtube.com/rpmnetwork
Graphics: http://www.youtube.com/heightdzns

Keep up to date on all ma shit:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Venomien
FB: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Venomien/402768703151682
G+: https://plus.google.com/101588562984550254837/posts

And where i will livestream (one day):

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'Partnership' new gameplay ps3 xbox 360 commentary multiplayer online gaming venomien vinny commentator I'M PARTNERED! + New Design! (Thank you vlog)
'Partnership' new gameplay ps3 xbox 360 commentary multiplayer online gaming venomien vinny commentator I'M PARTNERED! + New Design! (Thank you vlog)
'Partnership' new gameplay ps3 xbox 360 commentary multiplayer online gaming venomien vinny commentator I'M PARTNERED! + New Design! (Thank you vlog)
'Partnership' new gameplay ps3 xbox 360 commentary multiplayer online gaming venomien vinny commentator I'M PARTNERED! + New Design! (Thank you vlog)