Are YOU here for YOUTUBE MONEY? | Commentary/Vlog (Black Ops 2)

2014-01-15 17

How do you guys like the format? So yeah i felt i had to get this point off of my chest, don't agree with me? Let's chat in the comment section! (Expand for links)

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'Black ops 2' new gameplay ps3 xbox 360 commentary multiplayer online gaming venomien vinny commentator money "Youtube money" partnership maker studio machinima rpm network
'Black ops 2' new gameplay ps3 xbox 360 commentary multiplayer online gaming venomien vinny commentator money "Youtube money" partnership maker studio machinima rpm network
'Black ops 2' new gameplay ps3 xbox 360 commentary multiplayer online gaming venomien vinny commentator money "Youtube money" partnership maker studio machinima rpm network
'Black ops 2' new gameplay ps3 xbox 360 commentary multiplayer online gaming venomien vinny commentator money "Youtube money" partnership maker studio machinima rpm network