Hey everyone, welcome to the 21st rap battle! We're almost at the end of the year. A lot has changed this year, especially to the quality of the videos. As long as you guys keep supporting us, we'll keep making all the videos better! Happy Holidays!
Chicken: Supercoolguyjoe http://www.youtube.com/supercoolguyjoe/
Silverfish&Bat: Ivo http://www.youtube.com/mcgamingftw/
Edit by: Mumoxx http://www.youtube.com/mcgamingftw/
Actor: VertisticINC/TOED
Epic thumbnail by: Crango1, aka Tess :) http://www.youtube.com/apprenticeunicorn/
We have been inspired by the most awesome, and creative guys I've ever heard of:
Beat name: Stadium
Artist: http://www.rawheatz.com/
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