MLD Special: Rarity sings God Help the Outcasts

2014-01-13 181

I'm back! Just took a week off to do some writing/renew my lease/start work on yet another project...

Oh, Hunchback. Your cast will haunt me for the life of this series, won't you? Easily the movie most people disagreed with me on, picking just one of the problem childs to address first was difficult. But let's get one of my favorite songs of all time out of the way first. Rarity makes a glorious Esmeralda, I freely admit this. It was a really hard decision for me, choosing Rainbow Dash over her for the part. If any Disney song encompasses the spirit of Generosity, this is it. And as you can tell from all the season 4 clips here, it fit well. Really, really well.

But my argument from the first time around still stands. Rarity plays this role All The Time! Whether it fits or not, there's nothing I haven't done a dozen times before here. Rainbow NEVER gets to be leading lady. And that's not her fault, there just aren't all that many that fit her personality. So when this one came along, I just couldn't in good conscience let it slip her by again. I did it then, and I'd do it again, but I am glad Rarity finally got the chance to sing the song practically written with her in mind.

I do not own My Little Pony or Disney, but I do own WAIT WHAT IS THAT IT'S NOT MINE AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!