What Does The Crush It Formula Cost To Be A Partner?

2014-01-13 7

What does The Crush It Formula cost? In this video I wanted to share with
you what The Crush It Formula cost so you can make an informed decision and
start making money online. There are two different price points currently.
Today is 1/12/14 and as of today the price to become a partner with The Crush It Formula is $997. In the future when you are watching this video the price will
be $4997 or $9997. At some point the price could go even above that. That is why it
so essential that if you want to make money online fast that you decide to become
a partner right now while it is still $997.

There is also an option for you to start at $27 dollars. This is for people who do
not have the money to come in at the higher level or just not sure they want to
invest that much money to become a partner.

So essentially The Crush It Formula allows pretty much anyone to start making

Even at the $27 level you will still get a done for you business. Meaning all the
marketing and selling is done for you by the experts and then at the end of the
month the profits are split with everyone at the $27 dollar level.

You will probably end up making about $60 which if you think about it is still a profit
and not bad for not having to do any work. You will also be able to promote the $27
dollar product and make 90% commissions.

Some people will say that its not much money. Well compared to the higher levels they would be correct.

There are more reasons why even at $27 this is still a great deal and I discuss
them in further detail in the video above so be sure to watch it in its entirety.

So which one should you choose? For me personally that was an easy decision because when I got started there was no $27 level. It was $997 and I did not have proof of payment or anything. I just saw the value and came in.

I can't tell you what to do. I know that its a big decision anytime money is involved
but I can tell you this. I have been delivered more value than I paid for already.

I have never experienced what I have been experiencing by being a partner in The Crush It Formula

The only question you have to ask yourself is do you want to make a little or a lot?

When you have the answer to this question you will know exactly what level you need
to decide to invest in.

To discover how to become a partner with The Crush It Formula go to http://www.liveyourbeachlife.com

To connect with me on Facebook go to http://www.facebook.com/bchbdy