SONY'S PS4 Already Outselling WII U In NORTH AMERICA! (Stand Back XBOX ONE & WII U)

2014-01-13 418

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►It seems that the PS4 & XBOX ONE have been gaining much ground against Nintendo's WII U in North America since they released back in November 2013. Currently the PS4 is outselling the WII U with the XBOX ONE close behind.

►Seeing that the WII U had a whole extra year to sell and is already falling behind in North America and pretty soon Global as well does this mean it could be lights out for Nintendo's WII U?

►Link to article:
►Link to stats chart:

►With Sony set to start launching in Japan this upcoming Feburary it appears that the PS4 will more than likely make a dominate spot on top of the current 8th generation consoles!

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"ps4" "xbox one" "wii u" "ps4 vs xbox one" "xbox one vs ps4" "ps4 vs wii u" "pokemon y" "ps4 outselling wii u" "xbox one news" "ps4 news" "pokemon x" "ps4 outselling xbox one" "ps4 outsells wii u" "xbox one vs wii u" "ps4 outselling usa" "ps4 #1 console" "ps4 outselling wii u and xbox one" "ps4 outselling global" "ps4 and xbox one news"