remote cabin. Or, so we were told.
But is there a single shred of real evidence to back ANY of the story which reverberated in the media echo chamber for weeks? Or do the REAL records tell an entirely different story?
There is evidence that "Christopher J. Dorner" was a stolen identity, hijacked from a man who died in 2009. The probable purpose for this, was so that it could later be 'disposed' of in such a pre-planned event. This parallels closely the creation of diposable identities used in other fake events.
In the sequence of planned fake events of 2013, the Dorner Rampage fits in very nicely, with Dorner linking himself by "manifesto", to other events now proven fake. The Navy Yard 'shooting' and Aaron Alexis, sharing madman manufactured personas of ex-military who "snapped", are obvious compadres with Dorner as 'one of our own gone crazy' shooters. Dorner and "Trayvon Martin" (AKA California and Forida Congressional staffer Jahvaris Fulton) both also appear in juntos as part of Obama's "Race War Stimulus Package." [Dorner's alias originates from near Chicago, so it may be worth checking whether a Dorner / Bill Ayers / Bernadine Dohrn / Obama connection, goes deeper still...]
More Resources;
Preview of how the fake death industry works --
Navy Yard Investigation Leads to the Truth About Stockton --
Stockton; Newtown; Patrick Purdy; Newtown Massacre; M4; AK-47; witnesses; eyewitness; evidence; 911; false flag; Christopher J. Dorner; testimony; drill; Navy Yard Shooting; staged; gun control; AR-15; Michael Arnold; manhunt; Tracy Murphy; Claire Davis; handgun; shotgun; Barack Obama; white house; navy; Alexis; Mary Knight; attack; bombing; false flag; EMC; John Kerry; government; Christian Williams; police; death records; charity; public relations; PR; government sponsored; ihop; mihop; operation gladio; sandy hook; batman massacre; investigation; controlled explosion; terror; reality check; fear; staged terror attacks; constitution; privacy; bill of rights; oligarchs; media; media coverage; programming; psyop; patcon; history; Barack Obama; David Yepez; stooge; patsy; Sarah