New York charges dozens of ex-police officers in disability scam

2014-01-09 32

One hundred and six retired New York police officers and firefighters have been charged for their involvement in a massive disability scam.

Some of the suspects are said to have received social security payments after falsely claiming to have been traumatised by the September 11 terrorist attacks.

The fraud which is said to have been going on since the 1980s is said to have cost US tax payers over 400 million dollars.

New York Police Commissioner Bill Bratton aimed most of his criticism at the 9/11 claimant suspects:

“These arrests basically are an effort to ensure that the, if you will, the memory of those who in fact did contribute their lives or their physical well-being to dealing with 9/11 are not sullied by the actions of these 72 former members of the New York City police department.”

Prosecutors presented in court a number of photos of the supposed disabled suspects engaged in activities that included jet-skiing and fishing.

The bravery of New York’s emergency services du