Man Cites His Goldfish Death as Reason for Paying Taxes Late

2014-01-07 273

One unidentified man was reportedly so distraught over the loss of his goldfish, he neglected to file his tax return in a timely fashion.

Many people have a close attachment to their pets. For one unidentified man, he was reportedly so distraught over the loss of his goldfish, he claimed that to be his reason behind his late tax filing.

The case of the grieving goldfish owner came to light after the UK's HM Revenue and Customs authorities compiled a top ten list of the most “bizarre and flimsy” excuses given by tardy taxpaying citizens.

While the man’s name and exact location weren’t released, his occupation is listed as a builder. According to the head of personal tax for HMRC “There will always be unforeseen events that mean a taxpayer could not file their tax return on time. However, your pet goldfish passing away isn't one of them.”

It’s believed the builder, along with every other late tax payer, came up with their justifications to avoid paying a penalty, which amounted to about $165. Every single one of the 10 people who made the list appealed the fine. They all lost.

HM Revenue and Customs hopes the compilation will remind all taxpayers to abide by 2014’s January 31 deadline.