Gods of Mythology Bicycle Deck by Collectable Playing Cards

2014-01-06 1

Available from http://www.world-of-magic.co.uk/Gods_Mythology__i29973.asp

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In this deck, the artist have featured characters from four different mythologies, one per suit. It depicts different gods and goddesses for the court cards having in mind any iconic elements and symbols each one might have and adapts everything to the style of standard face cards. This way, Zeus, the King of Hearts, is ?committing suicide? with a bolt of lightning. Going deeper among gods and other elements has also be really useful for her to learn a lot about mythology.

As said before, each suit represents one mythology. This way, hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades are related to Greek, Roman, Norse and Egyptian mythologies. There are 52 cards, completely customized plus two jokers, one double backed card and a gaff card for magic tricks.

Printed by the USPCC on their classic Linen Finish.