Police Called After 6-Year-Old Locks Parents' Naughty Handcuffs on Wrists

2014-01-04 1

In one recent case, a 6-year-old little boy in northwest Bavaria decided to do a little investigating. Unfortunately for his parents, he stumbled across mom and dad's kinky handcuffs, which were tucked away for less than wholesome purposes.

Kids' curiosity can often land them and their parents in embarrassing situations. In one recent case, a 6-year-old little boy in northwest Bavaria decided to do a little investigating.

Unfortunately for his parents, he stumbled across mom and dad's kinky handcuffs, which were tucked away for less than wholesome purposes. It all started on New Year’s Eve when the family hosted a holiday party.

The child disappeared for a little while and it was later revealed he retreated to his parents’ bedroom for some exploring. When he returned to the party, he was sporting a pair of fuzzy handcuffs around his wrists.

He reportedly did a pretty good job of securing the cuffs. There were exceptionally tight and the key which accompanied the sex toy could not be found.

Unable to open them, the mom and grandmother brought the boy to the local police station. Law enforcement authorities used what they referred to as “special tools” to get the handcuffs off and free the child’s hands.

Fortunately, officers had a sense of humor about the incident. A police spokesperson simply stated “New Year’s was saved”.

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