Eliza Bennett is one artist who has no trouble finding the beauty in skin. Using colored thread, she painstakingly sews lines into her hand.
Skin, with all its fine creases and telltale signs about the person in it, is a unique and complex canvas for art. Eliza Bennett is one talented artist who has no trouble finding the beauty in her own and creates exhibits by highlighting the uniqueness of the flesh on her palms.
Using colored thread, she painstakingly sews lines into her hand. The end result is a palm that looks stitched and gauzed up, bloodied and battered. Basically, the hand looks tired and completely overworked.
Her technique of choice is an embroidery method, commonly associated with stereotypical and old fashioned femininity. However the completed work resembles the polar opposite of that mentality, showcasing a woman’s hand beat up to symbolize manual labor.
According to Bennett, her palm art was done to bring awareness to low paying physically grueling jobs like cleaning and catering which are usually carried out by females.
Bennett described her thought process noting “I translate the organic human body shape into elements accomplished by a distortion of what is known. By describing the world as I imagine, perceive and exist within it, this element of personal mirroring may also act as a reflective process for the viewer.”