Trumpet 7 - Islamic Caliphate Restored - Islamic Mark and Image of the Beast

2014-01-04 1

The Rise of the Arab Union/Caliphate of the Beast
The Global Jihad -- By Beheading
The Image of the Beast -- Islamic Image
The Mark of the Beast -- Islamic Mark
False Signs and Wonders -- Fire from heaven
And more...

We discuss the rise of the Islamic Caliphate, known as the Beast Kingdom. Satan and his fallen angels will have been cast down to the earth, and will begin to display signs and wonders, which will deceive the people in the middle-east and the world. All those who do not believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God, will be in danger of being deceived by the Antichrist and the False prophet. The Antichrist and false prophet will be proclaiming the Day of the Lord has come, and because of the strange natural disasters, signs in the stars, and Satan's wonders, people will follow them, and believe that the day of the Lord has truly come. The false Prophet will then force all to take the mark/badge of Islam, on their forehead or right hand, so that none can buy or sell without it. But those who take the mark or bow down before the antichrist, or the speaking Image, will be forsaken by God, and cast into the lake of fire, when Jesus returns. The bible says that at this time their will be a Great Apostasy, a falling away from Christianity. For the Islamic Antichrist-Madhi will begin a Global Jihad converting people by Terror and threats of beheading, and claiming that Judgment day has come. So many Christians will fall away and deny Christ just to escape death. In fact the Arab nations will see this Islamic King as their Madhi and help him wage a holy war (Jihad) on the world and against Israel.

Free eBook about the Islamic Antichrist: