3 Obesity Myths

2014-01-01 1

Obesity is a soaring epidemic in the US, and with its rise in numbers have come many myths about the possible causes. Recently, natural scientist Deborah Cohen called out several of the theories that just don’t hold water, pointing out the real probable causes instead.

Obesity is a soaring epidemic in the US, and with its rise in numbers have come many myths about the possible causes.

Recently, natural scientist Deborah Cohen called out several of the theories that just don’t hold water, pointing out the real probable causes instead.

One popular explanation as of late is that being dangerously overweight is a matter of genetics.

According to Cohen, given the rate at which the problem has escalated, that’s just not possible.

Instead, she cites the country’s growing access to inexpensive, fat-and-calorie-laden foods, much of which comes from restaurants.

Studies have shown that people that frequently eat out are more likely to have obesity problems than those who don’t.

While that may sound very close to people having a lack of self-control, according to Cohen that thinking is another flawed explanation of the problem.

More to the point is a lack of awareness as research indicates people who are preoccupied tend to make unwise food decisions much in the same way they have trouble remembering small facts.

Ultimately, Cohen asserts that it isn’t a sedentary lifestyle that is the problem. The true villain is increased caloric consumption.