Believers In Elijah Muhammad Mislead By Louis Farrakhan

2013-12-30 1

*** NEW POST *** View Full Video Lecture By His Divine Masculine Brother AdMinister Taalik Ibn’Rad, featuring Sister AdMinister Aleeyah Muhammad-Allah Ibn’Rad On YouTube @ on Dailymotion @ On Vimeo @

The Reality Temples Kingdom Of Peace On Earth In North America
Department Of Supreme Wisdom

To : Reality Temples Friends & Subscribers ( An Invitation / Announcement )

From : Administer Bro.Taalik & Sis.Aleeyah Ibn’Rad

Peace Forever and Always,
Speaking on behalf of myself and my wife I’d like to thank you all so much for your support and listening of this Internet Ministry; the last 5 years. It is a honor to me to know that you have tarry with me in good and bad times. We are also, happy to learn of so many new viewers that have join us as well. I have not asked much of my supporters and listeners, however, the time has come for drastic change. Change has come in my personal life, as you may well have learned of my marriage and slight title changes of this Ministry. Change must now come collectively for us all.
As we look around no one in their right mind could deny that the conditions of descendants of slaves born in America is not desperate. Time requires that those who have become awakened and, those whom are adults to now seek the company of like minds to form a family unit, a family that will create neighborhoods, towns, cities, and then a Kingdom! Those whom are willing and ready to unify become the fore-parents of a new reality for the descendants of slaves born in America. They shall and must come to an agreement to do so now!
To organize, unlike other black organizations of the past, The Reality Temples is not just an organization, but the launching pad to form a new government ruled by the descendants of slaves born in America. The Reality Temples is non-religious, however, not prejudice against religion and it will represent ‘Black Nationalism’ that will be incorporated, wherein every member will be given equal rights and privileges. The Reality Temples Kingdom Of Peace On Earth, will never be under the control of one individual, its Ministry, Land, Products and Businesses will all belong to the Kingdom and its members.
I request that you help me in this great effort to turn the tide of this most desperate time and our conditions. The time for talk is over! All those existing such as Black Ministries , Organizations, Businesses have failed. You would have to agree, greed and incompetence and self exaltation has failed us as a people. Ours will be a new determination not by words, but deeds, for the time is now as never before. This is how we will determine.