Welcome to my Dailymotion Channel!

2013-12-28 1

Hey guys, welcome to my first ever video on Dailymotion! Welcome to my channel! First of all, my name is Pedro, but I'm also Harsk100 on Youtube and here. I'm an game player but I like cars too! All videos will be recorded... Gran Turismo games and GTA games will also be recorded. GTA San Andreas and GT6 will be here as well.
I decided to joing because Youtube has an new copyright policy which is flaging all gamers for playing SEGA games, Tomb Raider... For not happen to me, I created my channel here. There will be videos which have been recorded originally and from Youtube too.
So, I hope that you like it.

Please follow me on Dailymotion!
Youtube Channel: youtube.com/Harsk100
Like me on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Harsk100?fref=ts