Even Animals Give Gifts to Each Other

2013-12-28 5

Natural creatures like spiders, birds, insects, mollusks and other mammals have been observed giving gifts to each other. However it is usually as a way to gain favor over competitors in mating rituals; these are called nuptial gifts.

Everyone has that one friend or relative that is difficult to shop for, but humans aren’t the only species that give gifts to one another.

Natural creatures like spiders, birds, insects, mollusks and other mammals have been observed giving gifts to each other., although it is usually as a way to gain favor over competitors in mating rituals; these are called nuptial gifts.

But just like we’ve all gotten a present that we didn’t ask for and don’t want, some animals also give unwanted gifts.

Hermaphroditic land snails that produce both eggs and sperms shoot each other with a love dart that delivers hormones to the recipients body.

The dart is a piece of calcium carbonate that is covered in mucus, and makes the recipient more likely to retain the sperm of the snail who shot the dart.

Sara M. Lewis, a professor of biology at Tufts University is quoted as saying: “This is an incredibly cool and important topic in sexual selection that we’re just beginning to explore. The bright side of nuptial gifts is, here’s a way that males can contribute things that are essential to his mate and to his future offspring.”

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