Mackay Talent Show Breakdancing Act

2007-02-18 3,068

Just Me and some of my friends breakdancing to a certain snap your fingers remix. Mackay Talent show Best and last act. Dont bother watching it unless ur my friends, otherwise dont flame us. We are begginers, and next year we will have windmills, headspins, turtle possibly flares and possibly nike.

Beggining: Seung won nodding. . .
1.Mime (Glass box, Faucet (Seung won only ), Rope, Grappling hook ( Me only )
3.Line Wave
4.Explosion thingy
6.Put Seung won into funny position
8.Special (Me) Six step, Can opener, Windmill stance roll over
9.Special (Seung won) Body wave, Six step, Chair, WHAT
10.Special (Bomi) Can opener, Chair
11.Jump over chair
12.Pick up

Funny things and mess ups:
-In the beggining, they pronounced all of the names wrong except for kenny small.
-Seung won nodded in the begging at the crowd. Started the cheering.
-Bad timing at the explosion
-All the girls were screaming when Seung-won did freestyle
-I made windmill stance roll over too dramatic. . .
-Bomi's Shoe fell off!
-Seung-Won messed up the chair, but it looked pretty cool nonetheless.
-When we bowed, I was talking to Seung-Won if you look closely, you see my head turned to Seung-Won.
-The crowd went crazy when Seung-Won and Kenny threw their hats. The Audience accually got to keep it.

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