Death Knight Speed Leveling Tips. Levels 85-86
When you first get to Pandaria and start adventuring you should start in the Jade Forest as it is meant for players level 85-86. It is the only true "starting" zone in Pandaria and has the lowest level creatures and quests there. You start off in the zone establishing a beachhead for your faction and then make your way through multiple quest hubs including adventuring around the Temple of the Jade Serpent which is a new instance. A major questing hub is the Dawn's Blossom which has quests for both factions as well as portals back to Azeroth. This should be your new hearthstone point for easy access to the mainland.
Levels 86-88
Once you are done in the Jade Forest it is time to move on to either the Valley of the Four Winds or the Krasarang Wilds. Both of these zone are meant for level 86-88 players and the quests tie in across both zones very well. The order that works well for the storyline in Valley of the Four Winds for a while then into the Krasarang Wilds then back into the Valley of the Four Winds as the quests lead you there.
Really though you can skip around any way you chose as there are a ton of quests in both zones. Additionally if you are coming into Mists of Pandaria with full raid gear, you could potentially skip right to these two zones to bypass some of the congestions the first little while in the Jade Forest zone.
Levels 87 -88
I know that this overlaps with the previous level range, but you can move out of those zones before you are at level 88 if you so chose. The zone to level at once you are nearing 88 is the Kun-Lai Summit to the north. The zones is massive and can easily get you from level 87 through to level 88. This zone really starts the battle between the Horde and Alliance as both arrive and offer to help the Pandaren in the area that are under attack. Both factions lay claim to villages of Pandaren as they help them out. This zone hosts the massive Shado-Pan Monastery which has both an instance and a raid located in it. Many of the quests revolve around learning more about this place.
Death Knight Speed Leveling Tips