Dr Deagle Show 2013/19/12 - TIM ALEXANDER / CHRIS HARRIS

2013-12-20 44

HOUR THREE - Tim Alexander - www.EuropeBusines.blogspot.com - Geopolitical Financial and Military Analysis from a Christian Point of View ...

American senators introduce new Iran sanctions bill ~ link ~ 26 "American" senators...all total whores for Zionist money and power!!! Shameful to the max! These bastards could get us all killed! Stirling

So if you can't join Rothkopf's Superclass ~ link ~ Good One...do take a minute to read this one in full at the link. Stirling

David Rothkopf wrote Superclass in 2008. It is about the 30 or so families and their 6,000 minions who are the New World Order. Rothkopf used to be managing director of Kissinger associates and is currently the editor of the Council on Foreign Relations’ Foreign Policy magazine.

I wrote previously of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology study which found that world trade was controlled by 147 corporations and that these companies owned each other’s stock and had interlocking Boards of Directors. The banking, insurance, mining and and oil companies are the base of the Superclass.

These men run Foundations which have published studies over the past few decades. These Foundations hire professors who do Green Research and arrive at the conclusions the Uber Rich want. The people who think they own the government have concluded that they would be better off if a few billion of the common people died. The future of you and your family depends on your ability to get your names written down in that Superclass list of survivors.

HOUR THREE - Chris Harris - Update on Fukushima and next release of radiation ...