UFO's & E.T.'s: 2 Craft, 5 E.T's, 2 Good Guys And 3 Bad Guys. ref. 20-12-2013

2013-12-20 11

Link 1... http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTAxMDg0OTQ0.html (original upload)

Link 2... http://endic.at/greys.html?_cache=1384735978 (meet the bad guys)

Link 3... http://endic.at/devolving.html?_cache=1384837235 (devolving beings)

Link 4... http://endic.at/LINK%204.html?_cache=1384837506 (d-man)

Link 5... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqxIN2OhZ38 (28' explanation of why it's valid)

Link 6... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071112220409AAeOfGM (if must be of earth)

Link 7... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgpwonaGMFs (china e.t.)

Link 8... http://www.endic.at/genetic%20theory.html (genetic theory)

Link 9... http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=the+gray%27s+agenda&sm=1 (links of personal experiences with Grays)

Before E.T. will interact with us is in a meaningful way we've got to get ourselves sorted out... See... http://www.endic.at/O/OLIG/OLIGARCH/oligarchs%20basic%2028th%20january%202009.html

To see 100's of hours of more u.f.o. films click this link... http://endic.at/ufology.html

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