Sanjeev Kumar known as the 'Godfather of Indian Cinema' played varied roles in his career. Popular for his comic timing, he managed intense roles with perfection. He did not hesitate to portray father to actors of his age. Some of the movies which he is still remembered for are Khilona, Shikar, Seeta Aur Geeta, Manchali, Aap Ki Kasam, Aandhi, Masaum, Angoor, Namkeen, Naya Din Naya Raat, Trishul, Vidhaata, Arjun Pandit, Pati Patni Aur Woh, Koshish, Dastak. But the most memorable role of his career was in the movie Sholay where he played an iconic role of Thakur. A simpleton man who left his fans disheartened at the age of 47 when he passed away. Bollywood still feels his presence.