Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese unveil the greedy world of banking in their new film "The Wolf of Wall Street".
The duo teamed up at the movie's U.S. premiere in New York.
The film, which hits U.S. theaters on December 25th, is already full of Oscar buzz after receiving Golden Globe nominations for both DiCaprio and Scorsese.
SOUNDBITE: Leonardo DiCaprio, actor, saying (English):
"Of course nominations are wonderful and welcome. But the truth is the real victory here is actually getting this movie made. Because you really don't see films like this coming out of the Hollywood studio system very often. This is kind of a grand American epic about greed. It's like a modern day fall of the Roman Empire."
The film is based on the book by Jordan Belfort, a former trader who landed in jail in the 1990s after defrauding investors out of millions of dollars.
During filming, Scorsese allowed the actors to improvise, giving them rare creative freedom.