Iran Sends 2nd Monkey into Space

2013-12-18 2

Iran’s space program has announced that they have successfully sent a second monkey into space in preparation for sending a human into space.

Iran’s space program has announced that they have successfully sent a second monkey into space in preparation for sending a human into space.

The monkey, named Fargam, translated as ‘auspicious,’ reportedly came back to Earth in perfect health.

However the first time Iran sent a monkey into space was controversial as released media images showed two different monkeys before and after the flight.

Officials in Iran subsequently explained the before image was of a monkey that had been tested for the project, but another monkey had been selected and used, which is the monkey in the after image.

According to President Rouhani’s website, the latest monkey was sent into space using a liquid fuel rocket, which is the first time that Iran has publicly used this kind of technology.

In 2010, Iran sent several animals into space including a rat, a turtle, and worms.

They all returned safely, but in 2011, a separate mission to send a monkey into space on a rocket was a failure.

International interests are keeping a close watch on the activities of Iran’s space and nuclear programs, because of fears that they could be developing advanced weapons technology like ballistic missiles or nuclear weapons.