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Welcome to 60 Sec Tech - one minute on what you need to know in technology.Welcome to 60 Sec Tech - one minute on what you need to know in technology.
Spotify, the popular music streaming service, is finally allowing mobile users to listen to any song in the library for free, so long as the songs are shuffled. Users can choose the album, playlist, or specific artist, but still won’t be able to pick tracks completely on demand. It is a stepping stone, however.
A South Korean court has denied Samsung’s proposed ban on iPhone and iPad models, which cited patent infringement on Apple’s part. Samsung claims that Apple’s iPhone 4s and 5, along with the second generation iPad, infringed on three of their messaging patents. The company has not yet decided if they will appeal the ruling.
And finally, Amazon is all set to deliver food in the bay area. Today, the delivery giant is launching AmazonFresh in San Francisco, the third city in its plan. Amazon charges customers $299 per year for the food subscription service, hoping the increased presence in customers’ lives will encourage greater sales from the main site.
That wraps it up. Join us next time for 60 Sec Tech.