Hawaii's Health Director Who Confirmed Obama's Birth Certificate Dies in Crash

2013-12-14 2

In a tragic report, Hawaii’s state health director recently died in a plane crash. Loretta Fuddy is remembered as the woman who verified the authenticity of President Obama's birth certificate back in 2011.

In a tragic report, Hawaii’s state health director recently died in a plane crash. Loretta Fuddy was the only passenger on the aircraft who passed away.

Three others were pulled out of the water by a Coast Guard helicopter, while fire crews assisted in picking up an additional five people. Fuddy was described as an advocate for the underprivileged and disadvantaged, specifically in the area of behavioral health care.

She is also remembered as the woman who verified the authenticity of President Obama's birth certificate back in 2011 when rumors spread that he was born in Kenya rather than in Hawaii.

The executive director of the state’s health insurance exchange, Tom Matsuda stated “I cannot even begin to convey what a terrible loss this is for Hawaii. I worked closely with Director Fuddy on the Affordable Care Act and came to know and respect her as a passionate advocate for public health and a warm, caring human being.”

Fuddy, who passed away at only 65 years of age, was named 2009’s Outstanding Advocate for Children and Youth in Hawaii.