Couple Calls 911 Over McDonald's Hash Brown Argument

2013-12-13 203

A married couple in Mesa, Arizona is now in hot water after allegedly fighting with McDonald’s workers over a debate about hash browns.

A married couple in Mesa, Arizona is now in hot water after allegedly fighting with McDonald’s workers over a debate about hash browns. The issue, which was about whether or not the hash browns had actually made it into the bag, led to Michael and Nova Smith calling 911.

They claimed calling emergency operators was necessary because managers and employees refused to help them when they went inside and pointed out the error. Nova was so upset when employees declined to give her money back or hand over the has browns, she threw her meal at them.

Michael then walked behind the counter without permission and confronted managers. (3,8,1) That’s when workers at the restaurant called 911.

McDonald’s employees claimed they were trying to remedy the situation when the Smiths’ went off but the couple said that wasn’t the case at all.

Nova did, however, reflect upon the food-throwing incident stating “that was out of frustration, which I probably shouldn't have done, but I did. Fighting over $2 of hash browns is ridiculous. It is ridiculous to have to fight that hard just to get customer service.” (2,6,1)

Nevertheless, the unhappy customers are now being charged with disorderly conduct and assault.

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