A woman in India has now become a mother after trying to conceive for 41 years. 64-year-old Sarala Srivastava gave birth to a healthy baby girl just last month.
A woman in India has now become a mother after trying to conceive for 41 years. 64-year-old Sarala Srivastava gave birth to a healthy baby girl just last month.
Srivastava’s journey to motherhood began in 1972 when she married her husband. The couple tried to have a baby for five long years but after getting nowhere, they consulted a doctor.
That’s when Srivastava learned she had medical complications preventing her from her ever becoming a mom, at least by natural ways. She decided to have surgery in an attempt to correct her problems but it didn’t work – she still could not get pregnant.
Finally in the late 1980s, the couple decided to try in vitro fertilization. Sadly, it didn’t work either. It was at this time they gave up until just last year when the couple thought it was worth just one more try, despite their ages.
Again, they went the in vitro fertilization route, over 20 years after the first trial didn’t take. The only difference was, this one worked.
Although Srivastava did have complications during the pregnancy, leaving her to give birth at only 32 weeks, the infant has since recovered.