Hiring Bird Dogs - How Real Estate Investors Hire Bird Dogs

2013-12-13 10

http://www.REIClub.com - Do You Know How To Hire Real Estate Bird Dogs. Here’s A Video On Hiring Bird Dogs For Your Real Estate Investment Business...

Hi, this is Frank Chen with REIClub.com, the only site you need as a real estate investor. Today I’ve got a quick video on finding bird dogs.

What is a bird dog?
- People who find underpriced properties that would make good investment properties
- Can be anyone - friend, family member, neighbor, doctor, lawyer, etc…
- Work for referral fees
- They become your eyes and ears
- Allowing you to be in multiple places at once so you can use your time more wisely

Where to Find Them
- Tapping into your networks - Friends, family, relatives, neighbors, trash men, dentists
- Use business cards every chance you get - give them to friends, co-workers, etc...
- Using direct mail/online ads - Use simple ads
- Real Estate Clubs - Networking
- Real Estate Websites - simplyhired.com, craigslist, indeed.com
- Bird Dog Hiring Websites

How to Hire and Work with Bird Dogs
- Usually no contracts involved
- Word of mouth agreement - lots of turn around
- Be specific when explaining what you are looking for as an investor - types of properties
- Let them know how they will be paid
- Some investors are willing to pay per leads - $5/lead - includes pictures
- More commonly, payment will be after closing - because they only make money when you make money
- Anywhere from $500-1000 depending on the spread and how much work they put in
- Paid with cash, check, or personal check

Finding bird dogs is much easier than people make it out to be, but it’s not all up to them to do all the work. As a real estate investor, you need to prove that you too can perform, and close deals. It instills trust in your bird dogs, which in turn, encourages them to continue and bring you deals.

If they happen to be a really good bird dog, you may want to consider creating an internship program where they can earn more responsibilities, which will further lessen your workload. Call it an, “earn while you learn” program and you will be well on your way towards building your real estate team.

Again, this is Frank Chen with REIClub.com. Please take the time to leave your comments for this video below and please subscribe to our YouTube channel so you’ll be automatically notified when we upload more quick video tips for you. Take care and good investing.