Looting and loss in Central African Republic

2013-12-12 38

They are taking everything apart. Dozens converge on abandoned buildings in Central African Republic. They are helping themselves to anything they can.

There have been reports of both Muslim and Christian fighters going door to door murdering civilians over the past week. Mobs have carried out lynchings -- set fire to cars and buildings and they have looted.

One man says they had it coming.


"The looters say all this belongs to Muslims, and as Muslims they have themselves destroyed people's houses and they have also looted. That's why these youths decided to do this."

The country's religious leaders are seeking reconciliation during a lull in violence that has killed hundreds of people and drawn in French troops seeking to stop the bloodshed.

Thousands have fled their homes. At least 10,000 now live at a shelter of sorts at the airport. They are living without running water or toilets.

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