SEO Marketing Explained and Illustrated

2013-12-11 7

SEO Marketing Explained and Illustrated

In the old days there were no SEO marketing concepts, just oldtime marketing advice. There were no search engines. There was only the the phone book. The Yellow Pages was a clever idea in its time. With the Yellow Pages you could find a business by looking up a category of business. It became possible for the first time to find your business without knowing its name. That was one step forward in making businesses easier to find.

Your Website is a Great Thing……It’s only the beginning!

Those coming from the Yellow Page era of business tend to keep thinking in Yellow Page mode. They realize the importance of a website because they have learned that people use the internet a lot more than they use the phone book anymore. So they go and get a good website. That’s one great step in the right direction! That’s all it is though. It’s just one great step of a hike of many more miles, to a potential destination called “Abundance”.

Are you there yet? Neither am I. We all have to keep taking our steps – and in the online world those steps are steps to increase our visibility and recognition in the lists people get when they search for things online.

How to Apply SEO Marketing Concepts to Raise your Bottom Line

To learn more about what you might do to start being found on those results lists, keep reading our posts and, watching our promotional videos, and most importantly our free training videos. We offer a series of detailed video training on content marketing that covers all the basics of taking better control of the presence of your name and your business name online.
SEO Marketing Explained and Illustrated

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