Little Girl's Apology Letter Captivates Social Media

2013-12-11 15

A handwritten note by a 5-year-old little girl is making the rounds on Twitter.

It's the hardest thing in the world - to offer an unqualified apology.

A handwritten note by a 5-year-old little girl is making the rounds on Twitter. Managers at the department store, John Lewis, in Cambridge, United Kingdom initiated a campaign to find the child after she sent a note to the business.

The girl claimed she broke an ornament on a recent visit to her local store. She noted “To John Lewis Cambridge. I'm sorry I broke a Christmas bauble on Saturday. It cost two pounds. Here is the money for it. Sorry again.” She signed it “Faith, age 5”.

She even taped money for the ornament to the letter and drew a picture of a child holding an item on the page. The managers quickly took a photo of the note and posted it on the social media site. They were deeply moved by the child’s honesty and effort to make things right.

The post was retweeted hundreds of time and local media picked up on the story, leading Faith’s mother to contact the store and admit her daughter was the one who sent the note. A manager thanked the child for her sweet letter.