It was recently announced by the White House that a few wind companies have been given penalty-free passes when it comes to killing golden and bald eagles.
It was recently announced by the White House that a few wind companies have been given penalty-free passes when it comes to killing golden and bald eagles.
The permits will be valid for 30 years in hopes of stimulating developments in the green energy industry, as its considered crucial to the future protection of the environment.
Birds and bats have been known to fall prey to the fast-moving turbine blades, which can oscillate at up to 170 miles per hour.
When they come into the range of the blades, they get sucked into a vortex and often end up injured or killed.
Prior to the allowances recently granted by the government, wind farm owners risked facing harsh penalties if they failed to safeguard against that happening.
The changes to the law don’t allow for excessive casualties, but do promise forgiveness for acceptable loss provided the company is working towards making the skies safer.
Environmental groups and many politicians are outraged by the decision that puts the national symbol in peril.
Supporters note that less than 2 percent of all human-related eagle deaths are caused by wind farms.