Altaf Hussain pays great tributes to thousands of people who have laid down their lives for MQM’s struggle against injustices

2013-12-10 121
The founder and leader of MQM Mr. Altaf Hussain has said that thousands of people have laid down their lives for MQM’s struggle against injustices. Mr. Hussain added that supreme sacrifices made by MQM’s workers would not go in vain.
“Martyrs of the movement of freedom and justice have laid down their lives for a justice cause. MQM recognizes and values their supreme sacrifices. Sacrifices made by these martyrs act as bulwark against international conspiracies and negative propaganda, “ Mr. Hussain said
Mr. Hussain expressed these views on Youm-e-Shohda (Martyrs’ Day).
“Thousands of MQM workers have been martyred because they rose up against the feudal and capitalist systems for the empowerment of 98% poor people of the country. Hundreds of workers have become disabled for life because of inhume torture. We don’t know about the whereabouts of 35 MQM workers. MQM’s workers are living in prison because of their struggle against injustices, “ deplored Mr. Hussain
“Movements which forget the sacrifices of their martyrs cannot face adversities and lose momentum and wither away. History is witness that MQM has not forgotten the sacrifices of its martyrs. It has attained high position because of them and paved the way of our destination,” Mr. Hussain said.
Mr. Hussain urged MQM’s workers and office bearers not to forget the sacrifices of martyrs.
He paid great tributes for the martyrs and prayed to Allah to grant them high places in paradise. He also prayed to Allah to give patience to the bereaved families to bear the loss.

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