Microsoft’s Mood Bra May Prevent Emotional Eating

2013-12-07 31

Microsoft is working on a smart bra prototype with built-in sensors to help women avoid overeating and stay healthy, among other similar devices for both men and women.

If a device could tell you when you were stressed and about to emotionally overeat, would you still do it? Microsoft researchers bet such an alert would help you prevent an eating binge. The company is working on a smart bra prototype with built-in sensors to help women avoid overeating and stay healthy.

The removable electrocardiogram and electro-dermal sensors detect stress levels by measuring body temperature and heart rate activity. This fully loaded bra also includes a gyroscope and accelerometer.

Since the bra’s worn close to the heart, its sensors can collect data much more accurately than a mood ring or the smart underwear for men that Microsoft also trialed. The data’s then communicated to the person wearing the bra in real time through a smartphone app.

One big drawback is that the current prototype needs recharging every 3 to 4 hours.

Microsoft’s also working on putting the technology for this same purpose into a bracelet, which can be worn by women and men.

What do you think of the concept?