The Mexican entertainer Thalia, a telenovela star and radio show host also known as "the queen of Latin pop," received the 2,514th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Thursday (December 05). Born Adriana Thalia Sodi Miranda Aug. 26, 1971, in Mexico City, Thalia appeared in a television commercial when she was 1, the movie "La Guerra de los Pasteles," ("War of Cakes") when she five years old and joined the children's singing group Pac Man when she was nine. Thalia has sold more than 40 million records worldwide, has 28 Top 10 singles, including 15 that went to No. 1, and won two Latin Billboard awards. She is considered Mexico's most famous telenovela actress, hosts the nationally syndicated radio show "Conexion Thalia," and wrote four books. The most recent was the children's book, "Chupie: The Binky that Returned Home," which was released Oct. 31.