Scentsy Snowman Warmer Preview

2013-12-05 54

Hello Scentsy family. Only 10-days until we draw the winning entry for the Scentsy Snowman Warmer and Scentsy Fragrance bars.

Entry deadline Dec 15th 2013. No purchase necessary.

What's the best way to spend a snow day? Building the perfect Snowman, of course! Snowman is a cheery figure come to life, with black button eyes and a cute carrot nose. Wrapped up in a blue-and-green scarf and hat, this is one snowman you can bring inside!

by Summer Rain Knight and Forrest Knight
Independent Scentsy Consultants
"The Perfect Home Business for the Work At Home Mom"
St Louis, Mo 63121
314-498-7688 and (314) 546-6561

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