Katy Perry joins UNICEF as a Goodwill Ambassador.

2013-12-04 273

At a special event in New York, Katy Perry was announced as the latest celebrity to be appointed Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF.

SOUNDBITE UNICEF Executive Director Anthony Lake (English) saying:

"You are going to make a huge difference, specially through social media in helping us reach youth to get them more involved in global conversations but also in acting locally."

SOUNDBITE Singer Katy Perry (English) saying:

"I was really inspired to write this song "Unconditionally" based on my experience in Madagascar and seeing these children just have the currency of love between them and exchanging that. So, you know, I really believe in UNICEF I really believe that it's important for us as adults to look after the children. They are innocent, they deserve that innocence and their happiness and their joy is pure and it should be maintained."

Perry has already been involved in the International Day of the Girl Child celebration and also recently called on her T