Protesters in Bangkok prepare to clean up streets for King's birthday.

2013-12-04 13


STORY: Anti-government protesters woke up on Wednesday morning to prepare to clean up the streets littered with debris after days of clashes with police at the Government House in Bangkok.

Street sweepers were out clearing the piles of debris that included rocks and barbed wiring.

The number of protesters have dwindled down at the camps on Makkhawan Bridge near the United Nations building a day after the government ordered police to stop confronting protesters.

The clean up comes on the eve of King Bhumibol Adulyadej's 86th birthday, a traditional day of prayer and celebration.

The protesters opposing Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had been trying to besiege various government buildings, including Government House, the complex that houses her offices.

After days of firing Tear gas and rubber bullets to hold them off, on Tuesday they let the protesters remove barricades and let them in. The protesters mingled with

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