This Yacon Syrup video review answers a variety of concerns about the beneficial qualities of Yacon Syrup, exactly what it is, where it comes from and the best ways to use Yacon Syrup for weight management and nutritional support. Exactly what Is Yacon Syrup? Yacon Syrup is a sweet syrup made from the root of the Yacon plant (Smallanthus sonchifolius) which grows in the highlands of South America. Also known as the Peruvian Ground Apple, the root and leaves of the Yacon plant have been used for centuries in Peru for a variety of culinary and medical uses, from a fundamental sweetener to treating digestive disorders as well as helping diabetics. The plant itself is of the Tuber variety, like the potato, which stores fluids and nutrients for the next growing period. It is a close relative of the sunflower plant and its flowers look like sunflowers as well. During long trips, Incas would rely on digging up and consuming the Yacon roots mainly for their liquid content, but for sustenance as well. What Can Yacon Syrup Do For Me? The major distinction between Yacon Syrup and various other sweet syrups such as honey, maple syrup and others is in the sorts of sugars it includes. Yacon Syrup is high in what are called fructans, both long-chain fructans such as inulin as well as short-chain fructans such as fructooligosaccharides (also referred to as FOS). Yacon Syrup includes in the range of 30% to 50% FOS. Though these FOS taste delightfully sweet when we consume them, they can not be broken down easily in the stomach. Rather, they travel through un-metabolized into the intestinal tract and colon where they provide food for and support the growth of natural, friendly bacteria that reside there. The outcome is a great tasting, reduced calorie, high fiber food which improves food digestion, promotes bowel cleansing, improves your immune system and…