Our much favorite actor and the most eligible bachelor of Bollywood, Salman Khan finally graced his presence on Karan Johar's on-going season of 'Koffee With Karan'. And well, apart from launching the opening episode, the actor undoubtedly seemed to be at his witty best, shedding unexpected answers regarding ex girlfriends, contemporaries, marriage and more. However, amidst some detailed conversations, what picked up our interest this time is when Salman reacted to dealing with his ex-girlfriends and his current relationships. Having claimed that he avoids barging into any of his former girlfriends, Salman publically stated that in spite of his break up, ex-girlfriend Sangeeta is still in touch with his family, in fact a part of the Khan family. Well, this also clears the air over often spotting Sangeeta in most of the recent Khan celebrations! What say viewers?