Pope calls on youth not to shy away from challenges

2013-11-30 111


STORY: Pope Francis on Saturday presided over evening Vespers at St. Peter's Basilica as the Roman Catholic Church prepares for Advent, the time leading to Christmas.

Students from the universities of Rome joined the pope in celebrating the Vespers on the eve of the first Sunday of Advent which this year falls on December 1.

During his homily in off-the-cuff remarks Francis urged the youth to challenge themselves.

"You know, dear young university students, that one can not live without looking at the challenges, without responding to the challenges. He who does not face the challenges, who doesn't respond to the challenges, does not live," he said.

At the end of the brief ceremony, the pope wished his audience a good start to the Advent season.

"Thank you and have a good journey towards Bethlehem!" he said.

Francis, gearing up for his first Christmas as pope, is due to hold Angelus at the Vatican on Sunday at n