SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Filled bankruptcy, need to rebuild credit.. where can I get a credit card?

2013-11-28 6

Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Filled bankruptcy, need to rebuild credit.. where can I get a credit card? - I filled bankruptcy jointly with my husband.. it was discharged in April of this year. (it was alot of medical, and some past bad debt) I have a reg. credit card now.... been paying as agreed.. more than the minimum, and before it is due. I checked my credit score, and it is still husbands is 647. I want to raise my score to the 650-700 by next year... Where should I go looking for credit? I was thinking like target or a big department store.. just not sure... Would they even think about giving me a card??

I have two other accounts that are in good standings still. One was a jewelery store, the other was a furniture store.. then of course this other credit card that I got after the bankruptcy. -