Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Michigan bankruptcy questions? - I retained a lawyer to file chapter 7 bankruptcy in Michigan today, but now a friend has told me that I should have spent on my cards before retaining the lawyer. I spoke to the lawyer and told her something is wrong with my car, and is it ok to use the card to fix it, she said yes, as long as it wasn't purchasing luxury items and I kept a recipt..
My question is, can I go and still spend on my card, as long as its on things like groceries and necessities and not get in trouble when I finish paying off the lawyer to start the bankruptcy process? I know the lawyer I retained can't tell me the wrong thing to do, but I just want to know if I get gift cards for necessities (home repair, groceries, utilities, things of that sort) will it cause problems once my bankruptcy proceedings start? -