Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - Does my sister in law have some character flaws? - My wife and I agreed to allow her sister and their uncle to move from the other coast in with us. The deal was for them to live with us rent free until they could find a place of their own. We only asked them to respect the house rules, contribute to chores, and to help with the grocery bill (dude is a big boy with a bigger appetite). So right away my SIL and their uncle began to have a problem with the rules. She then felt as though she had the right to tell us how to take care of home, pay bills and raise our 2 yo son. All from a woman who has not had a home of her own in 10-15 years, currently in bankruptcy, and who has a 22 year old daughter on the other coast who is playing house with some loser but expects her mother (my SIL) to pay for everything including house hold bills, car note, car insurance, traffic tickets, birth control, abortions, etc. This same lady refuses to cut the cord with her daughter despite the fact that it is preventing her from having her own home, life and forcing her to live with relatives. So with all of this she told my wife that she doesn't respect her and that my wife (who is the younger of the two) has to earn the respect of her sister! So we kindly put them out and she is back living with her miserable mother and father. -