Find the best financial services for you at: SMARTFINANCESOLUTIONS.NET - I broke up with him to give him space but don't know if it was the right thing to do? - My boyfriend and I have been dating for 5 months... He's in a huge life transition, change of career, bankruptcy and has a 6 yr old son every 2nd weekend. He told me i was the love of his life, the women of his dreams and wanted to marry me... we were extremely happy until he put his back out awhile ago and his spirit for lack of a better word shifted. He lacked motivation to do anything. He's back working in his apprenticeship but he used to own his own business so he just feels under the thumb everywhere. He told me he a week or so ago that he felt the relationship along with everything was so heavy. It did get off balance i agreed, it was all about his problems and we didn't have fun anymore, although didn't fight or anything. then i said lets balance things out again, not spend every waking moment together and start having fun again. we didn't see each other all week and then when we were at the same place he basically ignored me and left without saying a word. then we had a date planned for a movie i was really excited about and he just text and says he'll pick me up half hour before. when i talked to him about it he said he's too overwhelmed. he doesn't see marriage in the future and he's in no position to make a life decision. he said if i was going to get hurt all the time we should call it quits. i said it wasn't that we weren't spending every waking moment together it was that i appeared to be the last person on his mind and so uninterested in me. he said it wasn't the case but maybe a defense or something... so after a bit more talking i said i guess this is where it ends then. he said i don't know what to say, as much as it hurts you it hurts me. i just said well i guess i better go. i went inside to get my stuff and he waited outside for me and i just said by and walked away. it was so painful and i'm sick to my stomach. i love him so much but he's been pushing me farther and farther away and i felt like i deserve better than feeling like i was an annoyance to him. i've been so supportive of all his problems and he says he can't really separate me and them anymore. what do i do? did i do the right thing? do you think he knows i love him. do you think his feelings really have changed or it's just really bad timing? i want to write him a letter but don't know what to say.... it just seems so crazy and unfinished or something. but maybe that's just my heart aching and looking for contact.
please help me figure out what to do from here -